Project start announcement
The Malex Thor SRL, as Beneficiary, implements the project “Establishment of fuel station, secure parking for freight transport vehicles, truck service, public food and accommodation facility, road connection by Malex Thor SRL, in Orțișoara comune, Timiș couny”, co-financed by the European Commission program: CINEA.B – Sustainable networks and investments, B.2 – CEF Transport: Central and South East Europe, Actions related to safe and secure mobility managed by the European Executive Agency for Climate, Infrastructure and Environment (CINEA), according to the grant agreement related to the project with number 101078867- 21-RO-TC-SSTPA Malex Thor.
The main objective of this project is to provide a safe parking service on a section of the freight network. The new parking aims to obtain the European Standard for secure parkings – Platinum Level, the beneficiary already being a member of the European Secure Parking Organization (ESPORG).
The specific objectives are:
- Reduction of travel time to reach a secure parking area;
- Improving the conditions of professional truck drivers by providing high-quality services (showers, waiting area, etc.)
- Decrease in cargo theft on the A1 highway.
The secure parking can also be used as a waiting area for customs clearance or for trucks that have to deliver/pick up the goods in a predetermined time.
The objectives of the project are consistent with the national strategies related to the transport sector with the aim of improving the efficiency and attractiveness of the European-Romanian freight transport corridors.
The total value of the investment is 4,290,733.06 euros, of which the non-refundable financing is 3,647,123.10 euros.
The project implementation period is 24 months, respectively until 31.08.2024.